Benchtop Spectrophotometers

Elrepho 1000: Quality Control for the Paper, Pulp and Minerals Industry 

Datacolor Elrepho 1000 is a high performance spectrophotometer designed for whiteness and color quality control in the paper industry.

The Datacolor Elrepho 1000 is a high performance spectrophotometer to ensure acceptability of whiteness, brightness, opacity, diffuse reflectance factors, yellowness, and color in lab or production environments of pulp, paper and chemicals.

Benefits of Elrepho 1000:

  • Designed to standards specific to the paper and pulp industry and specialty mineral applications:
    • Conform to ISO 2469: true dual beam spectrophotometer with diffuse/0º optical geometry, pulsed xenon light source approximating D65 and 34mm XLAV aperture plate.
    • ISO brightness calibration according IR3 standards within +/-0.1 R457 target value
    • ISO R457 brightness 20 measurements repeatability variation with +/- 0.2 tolerance on samples <140 CIE Whiteness
    • When combined with Datacolor Tools quality control software, it supports measurement procedures for the paper industry as defined by ISO, DIN, SCAN and TAPPI Standards.
  • Easy operation, faster measurements and higher throughput with the vertical configuration and LCD screen for exact sample positioning.
  • Confidence in instrument performance with improved dust protection, remote diagnostics and predictive maintenance capabilities.
  • No need to remeasure standards with seamless backward compatibility with previous Elrepho spectrophotometers.
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“After 3 years of deep technical evaluation, we can say that Datacolor is offering the best software and instruments for our needs. Besides that, Datacolor provides an excellent worldwide support and has proven to be a reliable partner.”

Dr. Sebastian Schäfer
Woman talking on phone

Your color challenges matter.

Talk to a color expert to see if Datacolor Elrepho is right for you.
